Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Holy Hell

 Date line Washington, the new year has come January 2,2013 where did 2012 go and what have you done with the things I planned on doing. A time thief lives amongst us. Procrastination and sloth are one of my favorite time thief's to call upon and I do it way too regularly. But and there is always a but. I use them as an excuse to be a chair potato. I have sworn to change that this year it's not a New Years resolution but a lifestyle change that I will do. I don't sit at the computer I will stand when using it to get the circulation and rotation movements my body needs. I have a long stretch in the morning to treat my back and legs better so no lividity will set in, I'm not dead yet. And I will keep you posted have to get the corn polenta in the pot and get the lean chicken breasts in the oven for this end of the weeks foods prepped. 

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